  1. アメリカ留学、奨学金留学なら米国大学スカラーシップ協会
  2. 奨学金留学プログラム
  3. 奨学金留学生と大学側のコメント



留学校 私立・リベラルアーツMaryville College メリービルカレッジ(テネシー州)

山田 啓太 さん

山田 啓太 さん

だいぶ生活にも慣れてきました。こっちに来て良かったことと言えば、なんといっても新しい友達ができたことです。 まず、大学についてですが、とにかく小さい!でもすばらしい環境で、勉強にも最適だと思います。 クラス自体も小さく、生徒ひとり一人しっかり見てもらえます。留学生に対しても、しっかりとサポートしてもらえます。小さい大学のメリットは、ほとんどの生徒がオンキャンパスなので、みんなと仲良くなれることです。自分は、ルームメイトに恵まれました。とても仲良く、休みも泊めさせてもらったほどです。また、サッカーを通してかなりの友達ができ、毎日サッカー、映画、ゲーム、スポーツ観戦など、友達といる時間がほとんどです。この調子で、英語もどんどんうまくなっていくことでしょう。楽しいこといっぱいですが、大変です!はっきりいって。やはり、書く、読む作業は、かなり疲れるし、大変です。また、やっぱり留学生は、こっちの生徒と違うので、なかなか輪に入れないのも現実です。自分はもうアメリカ人になったつもりでたくさんのアメリカ人の輪に入っていきました。時には、英語の勉強、そして友情のためだ!と自分の時間を犠牲にしても、友達といました。その結果、他の留学生より、アメリカ人といる時間ははるかに多いでしょう。と言うより、毎日仲の良いアメリカ人と一緒にいます!!

留学校 私立・リベラルアーツLindenwood University リンデンウッド大学(ミズーリ州)

祖平 真理子 さん

祖平 真理子 さん


留学校 私立・リベラルアーツIowa Wesleyan Universityアイオワウェスレヤン大学(アイオワ州)

土持 加智 さん

土持 加智 さん


留学校 私立・ビジネス単科大学Webber International Universityウェバー国際大学(フロリダ州)

安達 修久 さん

安達 修久 さん


留学校 私立・カトリック系リベラルアーツBrescia Universityブレシア大学(ケンタッキー州)

志和 あかね さん

志和 あかね さん


スポーツ留学奨学金(サッカー) 私立大学Alliant International Universityアライアント国際大学(カリフォルニア州)

小野 さん(日本)

小野 さん

留学して1年目のシーズンでは、とても素晴らしい経験ができました。NAIA(National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics)のチャンピオンシップに参加したのですが、私のチームは最終的に全米7位という過去最高の成績をおさめました。個人成績でもシーズン期間中に5得点をあげることができ、プレーヤーとしても充実していたと思います。奨学金をもらいながら英語力は飛躍的に向上しました。このプログラムには本当に心から感謝しています。

スポーツ留学奨学金(サッカー) 私立・リベラルアーツMissouri Valley Collegeミズーリバレーカレッジ(ミズーリ州)


ペップ・ポンセット さん


スポーツ留学奨学金(サッカー) 州立工科大学Tennessee Technological University テネシー工科大学(テネシー州)


メリッサ・カンサド さん


スポーツ留学奨学金(サッカー)州立研究型大学University of Maineメイン大学(メイン州)

ジュアン・パトリシオ・マーフィ さん(アルゼンチン)

ジュアン・パトリシオ・マーフィ さん


スポーツ留学奨学金(バレーボール) 私立・リベラルアーツLindsey Wilson College リンゼイ・ウィルソンカレッジ(ケンタッキー州)

カロリナ・ペネキュラ さん(アメリカ合衆国)

カロリナ・ペネキュラ さん

私は多くの奨学金のオファーをうけ、その中から、フルスカラーシップ(全額支給)をいただけるLindsey Wilson Collegeを選びました。大学では英語力を伸ばし、アメリカの文化を学び、多くの新しい友達と出会い、とても充実した生活を送っています。

スポーツ留学奨学金(バスケットボール) 私立・リベラルアーツLindenwood University リンデンウッド大学(ミズーリ州)

ミレラ・ブラギニ さん(ブラジル)

ミレラ・ブラギニ さん


スポーツ留学奨学金(テニス) 私立・リベラルアーツShorter University ショーター大学(ジョージア州)

オットー・ゴンザレス・メンドザ さん(エクアドル)

オットー・ゴンザレス・メンドザ さん


スポーツ留学奨学金(サッカー) 私立・リベラルアーツLawrence University ローレンス大学(ウィスコンシン州)

ロドリゴ・ゴメス さん(アメリカ合衆国)

ロドリゴ・ゴメス さん

このプログラムはアメリカの教育システムと、とてもよく連携が取れていると思います。このプログラムがなければ、今在学しているLawrence Universityに入学することはできなかったでしょう。心から感謝しています。

スポーツ留学奨学金(バスケットボール) 私立・リベラルアーツMartin Methodist College マーティンメソディストカレッジ(テネシー州)

マーティン・バッセガ さん(アルゼンチン)

マーティン・バッセガ  さん


スポーツ留学奨学金(サッカー) 私立・リベラルアーツUnion College ユニオンカレッジ(ケンタッキー州)

クラウディオ・ルビ さん(アメリカ合衆国)

クラウディオ・ルビ さん



Michael Johnson Jacksonville University (Florida)

“This is a very good opportunity for both the students participating in the Program and Jacksonville University. It is also a great opportunity to showcase Jacksonville University, our campus facilities, and our soccer program.”

Mark Persson Southern Nazarene University (Oklahoma)

"American Collegiate Scholarship Association brings players of a level that we can use; who have been pre-screened and gone through training with the program. American Collegiate Scholarship Association understands the process and the things that a university coach and a university is looking for and they prepare the student for that process. In the past, we have recruited players from the program who have fit very well into our program. Last year, we had a player who came in from the program and was an “All-American” forums as a freshman.”

Brett Teach Auburn University at Montgomery (Alabama)

“It's invaluable for our program to see them here. It's great to see that their level is better that some of the teams that we will be recruiting from. The great thing about this program is that there are a great variety of programs that can get their needs met. That's why there are some many college coaches coming and that's why there is so much interest in the program.”

Lance Thompson Alliant International University (California)

“After being here for four days I am extremely impressed with all of the athletes I have the opportunity to see and speak with. The players we are recruiting will be a tremendous help to our program.”

Ray Wells Lindsey Wilson College (Kentucky)

“The American Collegiate Scholarship Association Program is growing every year. There is not a single Program that has similar characteristics around the world, neither in Europe, Africa, Latin America, or even here in the United States. Not all college coaches count on budgets that will allow them to travel to evaluate players in other countries. This is why bringing student-athletes to the United States, as American Collegiate Scholarship Association does, is so attractive for American college coaches.”

Evan Riffles Lewis University (Illinois)

“American Collegiate Scholarship Association provides the opportunity of living a great experience by placing international students into American universities;allowing them to practice their sport and working towards obtaining a degree. The students we have recruited through the Program have been extremely successful in the academic and athletic fields.”

Clinton Browne Ambush University (Tennessee)

“The two young men who are attending Ambush have been a great addition to the atmosphere of our University and the soccer program. Marco Ferraina and Alejandro Kohan in their first two seasons have both made the All-Conference. Their abilities on the field have proven their scholarship needs. More importantly to me though is that both young men have made the All-Academic Conference, maintaining over a 3.3 GPA. These young men from American Collegiate Scholarship Association have accepted their responsibilities and are making great strides towards their degrees."

Blake Johnson Lawrence University (Wisconsin)

“Since five years ago, American Collegiate Scholarship Association has allowed me to evaluate student-athletes. I have recruited many at the program.Furthermore, I am very pleased with the quality of the students, not only in the field but how they have integrated into our campus community. In the classroom, these students, for the most part, have been very successful.”

Wulf-Dieter Koch Spring Hill College (Alabama)

"American Collegiate Scholarship Association is an outstanding program. It is definitely the way to go if you wish to become a serious student-athlete in the United States. Here at Spring Hill College, we have American Collegiate Scholarship Association students from Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador and other countries. We are extremely happy with them, not only on the playing field but also in the classroom. The Programs hosted by American Collegiate Scholarship Association gives each coach the opportunity to evaluate students and make sure they fit into our institution."

Helio D'Anna Lincoln Memorial University (Tennessee)

"American Collegiate Scholarship Association is a very reputable organization, and I have had great success in recruiting student-athletes through American Collegiate Scholarship Association."

Brock Hickam University of Sioux Falls (South Dakota)

“With a other programs you see some videos and paper but you don't actually see the people and the people is what you are recruiting in the first place. I think is a great experience that we get to interact with the kids. It'd be very difficult for me as a coach to invest scholarship money of my university in somebody that I haven't seen play or I haven't met.”

Jim Sanderson Faulkner University (Alabama)

“They are very skill players while a lot of the American players are very athletic but not sometimes as skillful, I think you'll see more international players here in America playing.”

Dan Sullivan Midland Lutheran College (Nebraska)

“You get to see them play in a number of different situations: they play against other players from the program, they play against some local club teams, and some college players. After 3 or 4 days, you get a better evaluation of the player here than you would most of the time when you see American athletes playing in a tournament in the U.S.where you see them play in one game, against one team, in one set of conditions. You don't have to go by just how good they are on a paper or look at a video where you just can't really evaluate somebody; and you get to know them as people too.”

Ed Heberling Iowa Wesleyan College (Iowa)

“The program is great. A lot of coaches can get together here and look at over 130 players that come in here and can really evaluate.”

Richard P. Houston Greenville College (Illinois)

“The excellent work conducted by American Collegiate Scholarship Association, combining first-level coaches preparing and constantly supervising its participants have developed an important change in the recruiting process conducted by the athletic programs in the Unite States.”

Fred Underwood McKendree College (Illinois)

“American Collegiate Scholarship Association has allowed me to recruit Latin American student-athletes with good technique and capabilities who add a very good level of play to my college team.”

Dan Balaguero Virginia Intermont College (Virginia)

“The organization of the Program is brilliant. We have recruited three student-athletes through the system and the talent level is great.” Nick Scully - Christian Brothers University (Tennessee), VP for Advancement & Athletics “CBU is pleased to work with American Collegiate Scholarship Association and its staff. The Program is a great channel to recruit quality international students.”

Jamie Naylor - Missouri Valley College (Missouri), Dean of Admissions

“The students from American Collegiate Scholarship Association have been a wonderful addition to our campus community. They are achieving great things in the classroom and are involved in all aspects of campus life. They have been a real pleasure to have as a part of Missouri Valley College and we look forward to working with the Program every year.”

Robbie Shelton - Martin Methodist College (Tennessee), VP for Enrollment

“From our point of view, the Program is very successful. The academic level of the students is good, they are very respectful, and also hard-workers. We enjoy having these students involved in our campus community, and without any doubt, this is a positive and learning experience for them.”

Joey Wiginton - Faulkner University (Alabama), Vice President for Student Affairs

“Faulkner University served as a host school this past year for the American Collegiate Scholarship Association Organization and it was a pleasure to have them on our campus. I enjoyed very much meeting the students and enjoyed working with the leaders of the organization. They seemed to be very appreciative of every thing we did for them. A wonderful group to have on any campus.”

Tony Caputo - Southern Virginia University (Virginia), Dean of Admissions

“I've been coming to the program for four years. We obtained two small college national championships, which we would have never done without the athletes who recruit from the program but more importantly those players went on and did well in school.”



FAQ application


FAQ program

  1. アメリカ留学、奨学金留学なら米国大学スカラーシップ協会
  2. 奨学金留学プログラム
  3. 奨学金留学生と大学側のコメント

